My Creative Work
"On the road from Sodom to Gomorrah"
Kenzou Oohashi 2D digital artwork
'In Unison' and 'Tombe De La Nuit'
'Apple' and 'Egg'
'Earskull' and 'Kind'
Digital Photos
'Still Life' and 'Landscape'
'Apple' and 'Neurones at Work'
'Angelwolf' and 'Blue Glass'
'Talj' and 'Ballerina'
'Leben und Liebe' and 'Brains'
'Fractal Dreams'
Where can a flower bloom without a sway?
I'm dreaming
The winter
The Healer
The sacred trinity
The Creative Desire
“I could have been everyone”
Night Delirium
Heureux qui comme Ulysse
Beauty’s where you find it
Absolutely Nothing
The Scent of Heaven
Giftedness and IQ: Demystifying the Concept of Multiple Intelligences and the Role of Cognitive Measurement
Countries Where a Significant Portion of the Population Knows Their IQ
Is it possible to have an IQ above 200? Science says no
The Relationship between Giftedness, Emotional Oscillation and Academic Performance: Impacts on Selection for Medical Courses
Giftedness and Sexuality: Between Intellectuality and Sensory Perception
Giftedness and the Past: Perfectionism, Neuroscience, and the Choice to Revisit or Move Forward
The End of the Age of Genuine Thinkers
Innate Intelligence and Intrinsic Learning Capacity in Gifted Infants
Emotional Control in Gifted Individuals: Cerebral, Cellular, Molecular, and Genetic Mechanisms
The Dichotomy of Leisure Experience in People with High IQ: A Reflection
Has the Age of Artificial Intelligence in Science begun?
Modeling Monkeypox Outbreak with the refined SEIR Model Including Vital Dynamics
Opinion Article: Brain Homeostasis in Gifted Individuals and the Dynamics of Cognitive Balance
Why Does the ISI Society Gather the World's Most Intelligent People?
Most common traits in gifted people
The deep giftedness paradigm
Complex thinking in children with profound giftedness
Neuroscience of Giftedness: Uncovering Brain Differences and the Challenges of High Potential
Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS): A personality trait related to sensitivity, empathy, and creativity
Is Intelligence Genetic?
Difference Between Giftedness (2SD) and Profound Giftedness (3SD)
Challenges of profoundly gifted (PG) students, with IQs 3 or more standard deviations above the mean
Unraveling IQ: 5 factors that influence intelligence
Can people with high IQ be ideologically blind?
IQ Assessment: The Challenges of Proxy Measures and the Need for Precision
Knowledge Distances You from the Fantasy That Drives You Through Mystery
Unraveling mind mysteries: Study confirms relationship between pupil dilation and working memory
Babies Who Enjoy Sour Tastes May Have Higher IQs
What do people with very high IQs do all day?
Higgs gravity theory
Why do some people have below-average IQ?
"On the road from Sodom to Gomorrah"
Growing Out of the Past as a Seed for the Future
Magic of Tut-Ankh-Amun
Beyond Consciousness
Manifesto of the Manifest
Time Travel, Logic and Speculation II
Time Travel, Logic and Speculation
Temporal Collision Conjecture
Too Heavy, Man!
I Love Lucy
Art Is Life And Life Is Art
New York, New York
Creativity and IQ