“On the road from Sodom to Gomorrah”

By David Udbjorg In his latest stained glass panel, “On the road from Sodom to Gomorrah” (Approx. 50 x 70 cm). Art made from scrap glass collected by Udbjorg free of charge from a glass workshop in Katowice, Poland.

The Father, the Son, and the Stars

By Simon Olling Rebsdorf Danish astronomy in the 20th Century can be typified as the “Strömgren Century” since two generations of Strömgrens dominated the field for much of that time. First Elis and then Bengt Strömgren occupied the coveted directorship at Copenhagen Observatory, and both held highly influential positions within international circles. Elis was devoted to […]

Abstract Objects, Ideal Forms, and Works of Art

By Lytton Kavez Joining philosophy of language with phenomenological aesthetics, this book defines the epistemological status of abstract objects and works of art.Beginning with a provocative conversation between Socrates, Plato, Wittgenstein, and Jung, the book introduces the concept, and coins the term, “Platonic Inductive Fallacy,” deriving from a cycle of language games. The author then […]

The Marriage Syndrome

By Lytton Kavez Relationship realism packed with stunning revelations in a romp around the Western World. Click to buy it at Amazon.com


By Albert Frank Nath is a genius; Tanguy an idiot. Any such extremes disturb people. In recognition of this fact, a pharmaceutical corporation is undertaking experiment with a new drug, normality pills, that would move them both toward the norm. It is decided to put them in contact using e-mail exchanges. Those responsible for the […]

Challenging Logic Puzzles

By Barry R. Clarke An original collection of amusing logic puzzles that increase in difficulty as the pages turn. Illustrated throughout, this oasis of neural nourishment includes many examples of Barrys mix-and-match puzzle as well as several mind-stretching liar puzzles. Fertilise the desert of your mind as you blow the sand from between your ears. […]

CQ: Boost Your Creative Intelligence

By Harry Alder Drawing on the latest scientific research, this fascinating guide will not only inform you of how your brain works but also inspire you to make best use of your most powerful and unique asset.A well researched source of information dip in and out of when you need to get creative. Evening Standard […]

Test Your Creative Thinking

Published by Kogan-Page in association with THE TIMES July 2003By Lloyd King Almost everyone is born with the capacity to be creative, but those skills are often neglected or untapped. Creative and lateral thinking is all about thinking outside the box, which means breaking out of familiar thought patterns and coming up with new and […]

Les Paradoxes du Temps

By Laurent Dubois Loi suprême de la nature pour Arthur Eddington, absolue pour Issac Newton, relative pour Albert Einstein, indescriptible pour Saint-Augustin, question philosophique par excellence, le temps n’est pas démodé. À l’aube du troisième millénaire, il s’agit d’événements d’actualité, irréductibles à la nouveauté, comme le dit avec force Henri Bergson tout au long de […]


By Laurent Dubois Jeux math matiques et logiques, tests, figures, sériés, enigmes visuelles ou auditives, anagrammes et points communs, défis et paradoxes, mots croisés, labyrinthes et autres casse-tâte : il y en a pour tous les gouts ! Pour saintier toutes les sortes de tests, et surtout pour samuser… sans oublier que dans la majorit des cas, […]