The study “Höchstbegabte Erwachsene: Ihr persönliches Erleben der Begabung und ihre Erfahrung mit Psychotherapie”, led by Christina Heil, explores the subjective experiences of highly gifted adults and their experiences with psychotherapy. The research included 72 participants with an IQ of 145 or higher, using a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and analysis of personal accounts.
Cognitive and Emotional Characteristics:
Participants demonstrated highly fast and complex thinking skills, with strong logical-analytical abilities and a constant search for patterns. Furthermore, research has revealed a high moral sensitivity and intense emotional capabilities, often displaying a deep sense of justice and empathy.
Challenges Faced:
Many participants reported a persistent feeling of being different from others, resulting in difficulties with social integration and isolation. Furthermore, highly gifted individuals often faced underutilization of their abilities in professional settings, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction.
Experiences with Psychotherapy:
Participants highlighted the importance of working with therapists who understand the specific needs of the highly gifted. Collaboration and deep understanding on the part of therapists were seen as crucial to the success of treatment. Psychotherapy has been found to be beneficial for many, helping them deal with feelings of isolation, develop strategies for social integration and find emotional balance.
The study concludes that there is an urgent need for greater attention and research on highly gifted adults. Properly understanding your specific needs and providing specialist support are essential to your wellbeing. The author emphasizes the importance of further studies and the creation of more precise measuring instruments to better serve this population (Heil, 2021).
Reference in ABNT format:
HEIL, Christina. Höchstbegabte Erwachsene: Ihr persönliches Erleben der Begabung und ihre Erfahrung mit Psychotherapie. 2021. Available at: Accessed on: 10 June. 2024.