By Neil Z. Miller
When God declared “Let there be light!”
He took the world by storm.
His plan was to unveil the night,
Then give it shape and form.
Of course, He had some space to fill
For all was stark and vast.
So with a mighty burst of will
He birthed the ancient past.
It started with a fertile thought
Transmuting force to mass.
Then everything evolved from naught
When He burped out some gas!
Great stars emerged to fill the void
While planets traveled round.
But if God could become annoyed
At one new breeding ground
Where life appeared to creep and crawl
From this to that to man,
And living things just seem to brawl
Throughout their mortal span
It would be Earth, your cherished globe
Where free will sets your fate,
And few indeed are apt to probe
The worlds they re-create.
So search within to find the force
Behind the mass you are.
It is the power of your source;
The light of your own star.
You are a ‘Sun of God’ on clay
And make what you conceive,
So radiate throughout the day
And twinkle in the eve.
A Cheerful Cluck
Neil’s mama said she laid an egg
And he was incubated.
Of course she liked to pull his leg
And claimed he was related
To a chicken on the range
(His nose was like a beak).
She said he was a bit too strange
And asked him not to speak
About the way he entered life
(It was a family strain)
And caused a lot of inner strife
To raise a young bird-brain.
Later, when Neil flew the coop
And grew into a man,
His wife was privy to the scoop
And gathered his whole clan.
She questioned them about the day
They claim that he was hatched.
They didn’t have a lot to say,
And no one’s story matched.
Now his family says they checked
And think his wife is sick.
They also say he is henpecked
But was the cutest chick.
So on his birthday every year
They sing his favorite song:
“Happy Bird-Day” brings a tear
That lasts the whole day long.
You, too, have a sacred date
Decreed by more than luck.
So be sure to celebrate
With a cheerful cluck.
Master Goal
The speed of light is awfully quick
But not as swift as thought.
The runway of your mind is slick,
Hear what the masters taught:
You make the world that’s all about;
You think it first of all.
It does not matter if you shout,
“I don’t believe this law.”
In finer realms where you began
Your quest upon the Earth,
You conceived a larger plan
To earn your full self-worth.
Then, as a spirit of the Light
You chose a human gown.
At birth, you were a lustrous sight
—A child of renown.
Now, throughout your life each day
You choose each way to go.
You must pick from thoughts that sway
Between the to and fro.
Align with paths that you prepared
Before you took this trip,
For every choice where you have erred
Was just a minor slip.
And like a philharmonic play
Where everyone has scripts,
You all create the world today,
Right now, and in your crypts.
Again, it all begins with mind,
A colleague of the soul.
Refrain from every thought unkind
—This is your master goal!