The deep giftedness paradigm

By: Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues The study of deep giftedness, especially in individuals with an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) three to four above-average standard deviations, reveals remarkable complexity in cognitive and emotional skills, which are distinctly superior to those of individuals with a lower degree of giftedness. This differentiation is not only limited to […]

Complex thinking in children with profound giftedness

By Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues Children with profound giftedness (IQ above 146 points) have unique thought processes, distinct from those seen in children with moderate giftedness. This singularity is manifested in several areas, such as the perception of complexity, the search for precision and the ability of abstract reasoning at an early age. […]

Neuroscience of Giftedness: Uncovering Brain Differences and the Challenges of High Potential

Neuroscience has uncovered the unique characteristics of the brains of gifted individuals, revealing structural and functional differences that contribute to their exceptional abilities, but also present specific challenges. Neuroimaging studies point to an increase in the volume and connectivity of the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for executive functions such as attention, planning and decision-making, […]

Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS): A personality trait related to sensitivity, empathy, and creativity

By Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), also known as high sensitivity, is a distinctive personality trait that significantly modulates individual perception and interaction with the environment. Individuals with high SPS demonstrate a highly responsive and reactive central nervous system, conferring greater sensitivity to sensory and emotional stimuli. This characteristic not only facilitates […]

Is Intelligence Genetic?

Science has not yet defined the exact percentage of intelligence that can be attributed to genetics compared to the environment. Estimates vary, suggesting that between 50% to 80% of intelligence may be genetic. Based on the GIP report, I conclude, for now, that any of these percentages may be valid, depending on the individual. There […]

Difference Between Giftedness (2SD) and Profound Giftedness (3SD)

The scientific literature on giftedness is extensive, yet there remains a lack of deep studies on individuals with exceptionally high IQs, classified as 3 standard deviations above the mean (3SD), also known as profound giftedness. This paucity of data stems both from the rarity of this population and the methodological challenges of studying such a […]

Challenges of profoundly gifted (PG) students, with IQs 3 or more standard deviations above the mean

Profoundly gifted (PG) students, those with IQ scores 3 or more standard deviations above the mean, are true outliers in our educational systems. Your exceptional cognitive abilities, while remarkable, are often accompanied by unique challenges that require attention and understanding. In mixed-ability classrooms, where most students have average cognitive abilities, PG students can stand out […]

Unraveling IQ: 5 factors that influence intelligence

1 – Greater percentage is genetic: Twin and adoption studies indicate that genetics plays a significant role in determining IQ, with heritability estimates ranging between 60% and 80%. However, this does not mean that IQ is immutable, as interaction with the environment is also crucial. 2 – Environmental factors interfere, but with a genetic driver: […]

Can people with high IQ be ideologically blind? 

Ideological blindness, a phenomenon where individuals have difficulty processing or accepting information that contradicts their pre-established beliefs, involves several areas of the brain associated with both emotional and cognitive processing. The aim of investigating the relationship with the same brain regions in people with high IQ is to define the interference of intelligence in this […]

IQ Assessment: The Challenges of Proxy Measures and the Need for Precision

In the ongoing quest for effective and practical tools in neuropsychological assessment, the rapid estimation of Intelligence Quotient (IQ) emerges as a frequently highlighted necessity among professionals in the field. However, a recent study conducted by Spinks et al. (2009) offers important reflections on the validity and accuracy of these quick estimates, especially when compared […]