Giftedness and IQ: Demystifying the Concept of Multiple Intelligences and the Role of Cognitive Measurement

By: Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues, post-PhD in Neuroscience, president of the ISI Society and coordinator of Intertel Brazil The definition of giftedness and the relevance of intelligence quotient (IQ) as a central measure of cognitive abilities have been the subject of scientific and educational debates. While Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences brought […]
Countries Where a Significant Portion of the Population Knows Their IQ

By: Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues, PhD in Neuroscience, President of the ISI Society, and Coordinator of Intertel Brazil The measurement of intelligence quotient (IQ) is a globally relevant topic, particularly in countries where a significant portion of the population has undergone intelligence testing. Nations such as the United States, Israel, South Korea, Singapore, […]
Is it possible to have an IQ above 200? Science says no

We often hear stories of people with IQs of 200, 220, or even 250, but are such scores really possible? According to science and recognized intelligence tests, the answer is no. In this article, we will explain why scores above 160 are already the reliable limit and how extraordinary numbers, such as 200 or more, […]
The Relationship between Giftedness, Emotional Oscillation and Academic Performance: Impacts on Selection for Medical Courses

Recent studies have explored the impact of high cognitive abilities, especially in gifted and profoundly gifted individuals, on academic performance and the emotional dynamics that can directly affect their educational and professional trajectory. It has been observed that individuals with extremely high IQs often exhibit peculiar emotional and behavioral characteristics, such as greater emotional oscillation […]
Giftedness and Sexuality: Between Intellectuality and Sensory Perception

By: Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues Sexuality in gifted people is a fascinating topic and, at the same time, little explored in specific research. However, when we analyze the psychological and emotional characteristics of gifted individuals, it is possible to draw hypotheses about how intelligence, sensitivity, and cognitive processes influence their sexual experience. Overexcitability and […]
Giftedness and the Past: Perfectionism, Neuroscience, and the Choice to Revisit or Move Forward

By: Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela RodriguesThe relationship of the gifted to the past is a fascinating reflection of their cognitive and emotional complexity. While some revisit their memories frequently, others prefer to stay focused on the present and future. This choice, however, is not arbitrary; It’s deeply connected to the kind of perfectionism they exhibit—adaptive or maladaptive—and […]
The End of the Age of Genuine Thinkers

By: Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela Rodrigues 2022 marked the beginning of a new chapter in human history. Not just as another technological milestone, but as the turning point where human creativity, once admired as a genuine and unique gift, began to be questioned, diluted and even replaced. It was in this year that artificial intelligence (AI) […]
The Dichotomy of Leisure Experience in People with High IQ: A Reflection

Having a high intelligence quotient (IQ), ranging from 147 to 160, is often associated with great intellectual advantages, such as quick thinking, creativity and a capacity for complex understanding. However, the emotional and social challenges that accompany this gift are rarely discussed. Among these difficulties, the ability to fully enjoy leisure time stands out. People […]
Has the Age of Artificial Intelligence in Science begun?

By Claus D. Volko When the Nobel Prizes were announced this year (2024), many people were initially shocked at seeing that the decision had been made to give the Nobel Prize in Physics to two researchers in Artificial Intelligence (AI), one of whom did not even have a physics degree. But the Nobel Prize in […]
Modeling Monkeypox Outbreak with the refined SEIR Model Including Vital Dynamics

Author Bryne Tan Research Summary The Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak has re newed interest in using infectious dis ease modeling to predict and manage its spread. In this study, we apply an enhanced Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious Recovered (SEIR) model to the Mpox epi demic in the United States, incorporating vital dynamics such as births and deaths to account for long-term […]