Modeling Monkeypox Outbreak with the refined SEIR Model Including Vital Dynamics

Author Bryne Tan Research Summary The Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak has re newed interest in using infectious dis ease modeling to predict and manage its spread. In this study, we apply an enhanced Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious Recovered (SEIR) model to the Mpox epi demic in the United States, incorporating vital dynamics such as births and deaths to account for long-term […]
Opinion Article: Brain Homeostasis in Gifted Individuals and the Dynamics of Cognitive Balance

By Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela The understanding of cognitive giftedness, often centered on the concept of high IQ, has advanced significantly in recent decades. However, the traditional interpretation, which assumes that high IQ alone confers unquestionable advantages on the individual, neglects the complexities of brain homeostasis. Based on recent analyses and innovative concepts, such […]